Research paper, Moose in the N.E. Entrance Area

The paper has been accepted and passed peer review, then the editors started arguing. One colleague, working in oncology described it as “absurd”. The confusion among the journal editors was over how much of our data they wanted cut from the paper and how to format it, with no two of their editors agreeing on anything. This after receiving an E.I.C. immediate accept from their staff editor in chief, who apparently had no control over the actual publishing process. Our response after trying to appease them a half dozen times. “All the data should be reported should be reported in the standard journal format”. Which led to our withdrawing the submission and resubmitting with a higher impact journal who had a larger circulation and more professional air about them. It’s been a wild ride, but read on and you’ll understand why it’s worth the effort.

A quick summary

The moose in the area I study seem to have an unusual form of papillomavirus, in humans it’s a different strain, called HPV and it’s the second leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide. So I wanted to take a look and see how this disease effected the moose. What I found was that in 2017 every sub adult female moose in this small area showed visible signs of tumors, only the sub adult females showed signs, even when one had a twin brother who lived in extremely close proximity, only she had the tumors, he had none. In HPV the situation is similar, with men being essentially a disease vector and the disease only adversely effecting women. In my study what I found was every sub adult female in that year developed tumors at roughly the same time of year (spring) and all shed them at roughly the same time of year, (fall) and never got them again. This coordinated response is likely environmental and I wanted to learn what about the environment caused it. The tumors left no scaring and had no adverse effects on their reproductive capabilities.

I also found data to strongly suggest there were three strains of the type of PV that effects moose separated by geographical location, and that regardless of the strain the disease was reported to be seasonal with the same general progression as what I was observing, which suggested the animals immune response was independent of the viral strain. If that immune response was independent of the viral strain could it also be independent of the viral type. That’s the big question. Could the moose immune response be induced in human biology and would it have the same result? Shedding fully developed tumors with no scaring and no adverse effects on the patients reproductive system.

I’ve discovered a lot so far, so much the journal wanted me to cut some of it out of the paper, that’s where the problem began, I’m inclined to report all the data as it may benefit future researchers in their hunt for cure. For future generations.

In the end there’s more work to be done and I need your help to do it.

Please consider making a donation today.

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 Novel Papillomavirus in Moose

Observational study of Papillomavirus in Moose Alcis alcis sherasi, N.E. Entrance area Yellowstone National Park 

Authors Note

Author To be announced
ORCID # 0000-00000000-0000


Observational study of Moose, Alcis alcis sherasi within the North East Entrance Area of Yellowstone National Park, 2017, 2018, 2019 reveal the population shows signs of a papillomavirus (PV). The infected subjects age and gender distribution ,with the highest prevalence in young females did not conform to what was expected based on previous studies. Comparing these findings with previous research indicate a novel form of PV is likely present however no tissue samples were taken. The study documents demographics as well provides a photo data base of the subjects coordinated seasonal progression through the disease. The observed immune response was more similar to an acute tissue rejection than a cellular antibody response suggesting environmental influences may be governing this reaction rather than the specific strain of PV involved.

Figure 1. Subjects 1705 F and 1706 F June 1, 2017 Showing symptoms associated with papillomavirus 


The first of June 2017 a twin pair of yearling female moose were seen in the Barronette Peak Meadow area of Yellowstone National Park that showed signs of PV Figure 1. July 19 2017 a second twin pair, one male one female were seen in the Mt Republic Church area of HWY 212 just outside the N.E. Entrance of Yellowstone National Park, the female was heavily infected and the male uninfected. This age and gender distribution did not conform to previous studies reporting the distribution in North American Alcis with signs of PV is roughly 85% male animals with an average age of five to six years (Alberta Fish & Wildlife “Skin Tumors of Mammals” 2004, Maclachian and Dubovi 2010). In contrast during the course of this study no male subject of any age group nor any adult female over three years or female under roughly twelve months were seen with any visible PV tumors in the N.E. area of Yellowstone National Park.

It was determined that collaring the animals would be unnecessary and that a longitudinal observation based study would be adequate to follow the subjects as the disease is easily visually recognized with a typical histopathology of pigmented exophytic fibromas (Olson, 1987).

Papillomavirus is known to be a highly species specific infection of the epithelial tissues nearly always presenting itself as a gross bulbous abnormality protruding from both internal and external epithelium, figure 1. Recent research using DNA analysis of PV in numerous animal species has shown an enormous level of variation with countless novel types, “close to root genera” being identified (Rector and Ranst 2013, Bernard et al. 2010) These new discoveries also include identifying multiple strains within these new species specific types.

According to the work of (Rubin et al. 1997) on human papillomavirus (HPV) epidemiology, the age and gender distribution of infected individuals is highly indicative of the viral strain. Further study of Roe Deer Capreolus capreolus by (Erdélyi et al. 2009) concluded that PV infections residing outside the typical age and gender distribution patterns were “nearly always, novel forms” of the disease. In this study I report observations lying well outside the expected age and gender distribution which strongly indicates a novel strain of the AaPP1 type virus typically seen in moose as identified by (Rector and Ranst 2013)

Materials and Methods

Figure 2. showing which part of the Dewlap is being described as the Beard or the Bell

The study was conducted within the area of the area of Highway 212 between Cooke City Montana and Trout Lake Trail Head in Yellowstone National Park. Moose were observed between May and October 2017 to 2019, five days a week from first light to sun up, generally over a three hour period and again at dusk. All sighted moose were photographed when possible with time date and location recorded and any observable symptoms of suspected PV.

Key elements of moose anatomy were used to differentiate between subjects with reasonably high confidence based on an extensive photographic data base (see Appendix B). Females were more challenging to identify individually than males; however, in most cases a positive identification was possible based on specific parameters listed below. Confidence in identifying animals from year to year was high in males and adequate in females with many females having characteristics that made long term identification adequately precise. Where the photo data base is lacking some error in identifying some subjects from year to year is to be expected.

The bell or dewlap is unique to individuals with varying degrees of confidence. For the purposes of this study, the dewlap is divided into two segments; the Beard and the Bell ( See Figure 2). Ears were also used as an identifying characteristic, with some animals having unique color patterns in the ears and others missing pieces of their ears. Variations in the antlers of male moose can easily be used to distinguish individuals. Facial profiles are also used as an identifying characteristic as well as scars, age, gender and number of calves and twin pairs.


A total of 48 subjects were observed all years combined including calves. 13 adult male, 6 adult females, 8 yearling males and 5 yearling females (see Appendix A). Of these visible signs of PV were recorded in each of the sub adult females observed in 2017 and one female estimated to be not more than three years old in 2019.

Of the sub-adult females infected which could be identified in following years two of the three were seen with calves. See Appendix C. Subject 1705-F and 1716-F. The adult female 1926-F who was also infected but had only two tumors and was also accompanied by a calf 1927-C. These observations suggest that the disease doesn’t adversely effect the subjects reproductive capabilities. No scaring is observed in following years where external tumors existed on infected subjects, even irregularities in the fur were not evident and the tissue appeared to regenerate perfectly with no visible deformations remaining.

The temporal distribution of the initial observation of each animal suggests that the majority of population was seen by the sixth week of observations: it may be reasonable to assume that the majority of the total population within the study area was covered by the observations. See Appendix B.
The gender and age distribution of the infected subjects observed in this study clearly did not conform to that reported in previous research. It was further observed that the cycle of tumor development and eventual rejection was consistently seasonal and showing coordination between subjects. There was no recurrence of tumors in subsequent years. Reference appendix C for a photo history of the disease development and dissipation within the effected subjects over time.

8% of subjects observed showed signs of infection. In all cases where a photo history could be acquired tumors were seen to dissipate completely. Three of the four females observed to be infected were either seen at the time or over subsequent years with calves.


Every sub adult female, 12 - 16 months of age, in 2017 was observed to have a substantial number of tumors with no other animals in 2017 having visible signs of infection. This data falls well outside the age and gender distribution patterns previously documented by (Alberta Dept. Fish and Wildlife (2004), Maclachian and Dubovi (2010) as well as Fenner’s Veterinary Virology (p. 229). Given this finding, and in agreement with (Erdélyi et al. (2009) regarding moose and (Rubin et al. 1997) who published regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) epidemiology, specifically, that age and gender distribution was highly indicative of the viral strain and also considering phylogeny (short term prevalence and the lack of reinfection) suggesting a minimum of coevolution. The observations and supporting literature clearly suggest a novel strain of the AaPP1 type virus has been observed. This would indicate the existence of three specific strains of the AaPP1 viral type, initially described by (Rector and Ranst, 2013) each infecting a different demographic and each being geographically separated as reported by (recycle the references here)

In contrast it was observed that the moose immune response (The development of tumors in spring and the global rejection of tumors by late summer, early fall) conformed well with what was previously described by (Alberta Dept. Fish and Wildlife (2004), Maclachian and Dubovi (2010) as well as Fenner’s Veterinary Virology (p. 229). (Erdélyi et al. (2009). This would suggest the three strains all elicit a similar seasonal immune response. The response is observed to follow one of two pathways. In the first, the system seems to recognize the infected tissue as a foreign body and responds to it by acute rejection, See Appendix B, Figure 47. This type of response was observed in the overwhelming majority of tumors.

In the second, the tumors are seen to reduce gradually over time, see Appendix B Figure 250, indicating a less aggressive immune response. Tumors seen to be pedestaling were typically observed immediately following the spring thaw and throughout the summer. Tumors that persisted, those which did not pedestal and remained longer regardless of size, were most often seen in the late summer and fall. In either case no, residual scaring was observed, and tumors were of similar appearance. See subjects 1705-F, 1706-F, 1716-F, and 1926-F Appendix C.



In memory of XXXXXXX I did it XXX, Made it to publication, wish you were here. I’d also like to thank Yellowstone National Park for allowing me to conduct my work.


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Appendix A Tables

Moose are designated by the first year sighted, roughly in the order sighted with some corrections made after the fact due to duplicate animals and the difficulties in identifying individual subjects. Example 1710-M; refers to a male subject first seen in the year 2017. The “10” indicates it’s the tenth animal sighted that year and “M” designates he is male. “C” designates a calf, gender unknown, and “F” designates a female.

Table 1

Subjects’ ID the date first sited in 2017, approximate age and visible tumors noted. 

 Table 2

Subjects’ ID, the date first sited in 2018, approximate age and visible tumors noted

Table 3-A

Subjects’ ID, the date first sited in 2019, approximate age and visible tumors noted

Table 3-B 

Subjects’ ID, the date first sited in 2019, approximate age and visible tumors noted

Appendix B
Available as an additional document
Link to appendix B 

A photographic record is used to identify the individual subjects each spring summer and fall when available, with various identifiable characteristics noted as well as the time, date and location of each observation. Appendix c contains a complete photo data base of each subject within the study area and a temporal record of the disease development and regression within the population.